Sunday 29 August 2010

إحالة العمال للمحاكم العسكرية موت وخراب ديار

sign the petition - امضي على البيان
لا ..لإحالة العمال إلى المحاكمات العسكرية

لا تكتفي الدولة بتشريد وإذلال وقتل العمال بدم بارد نتيجة سياساتها المعادية لهم، بل تسعى أيضا لإسكات أصواتهم باستخدام أكثر الأساليب قهرا بتقديمهم للمحاكمة العسكرية التي لا يتوافر بها أي ضمانات أو حقوق دفاع.

يحاكم الآن ثمانية عمال من مصنع 99 الحربي (شركة حلوان للصناعات الهندسية) أمام المحكمة العسكرية بتهم إفشاء أسرار عسكرية والامتناع عن العمل والاعتداء بالضرب على اللواء محمد أمين رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة، كان العمال الثمانية قد تم القبض عليهم مع 17 آخرين من زملائهم عقب اعتصام عمال المصنع يوم 3 أغسطس الجارى احتجاجا على انفجار أنبوبة نيتروجين ( غلاية ) داخل المصنع مما أدى إلى وفاة العامل أحمد عبد الهادي(37 عاما) وإصابة ستة عمال آخرين بجروح.

وعلى أثر تلك الاحتجاجات سعت أجهزةالدولة إلى ترهيب العمال وتأديبهم لتجرأهم على الاحتجاج فاتخذت ضد 25 عامل إجراءات تحقيق تلاها إحالة 8 من عمال المصنع إلى النيابة العسكرية تمهيدا لتقديمهم لمحاكمة عسكرية رغم أنهم عمال مدنين ورغم أن الأمر يتعلق بنزاع عمل تحكمه القوانين العادية.

وقامت النيابة العسكرية يوم السبت الموافق 14 أغسطس بحبسهم أربعة أيام على ذمة التحقيقات ثم تجديد حبسهم مرة أخرى يوم الثلاثاء الماضى، ثم تحويلهم للمحكمةالعسكرية التى بدأت أولى جلساتها الأحد 22 أغسطس ليتم تأجيل المحاكمة إلى الأربعاءالمقبل، كما رفضت النيابة العسكرية إعطاء المحامين صورةملف القضية للإطلاع عليه، وتحددت جلسة مفاجئه سريعة للمحاكمة.

وبالرغم من ادعاء وزيرة القوى العاملة عائشة عبد الهادي دائما في جميع المحافل بأنها تقف بجانب حقوق العمال، إلاأنها لم تحرك ساكنا إذاء ما يحدث للعمال، هذا بالإضافة للصمت المعهود من اتحاد عمال مصر و تقاعصه عن الدفاع عن حقوق العمال والتصدي لما يحدث لهم من انتهاكات.

ونعلن نحن المتضامنين مع العمال رفضنا لتقديم عمال مدنيين لمحاكمة عسكرية، وتطالب بإحالة القضية للقضاء العادي، وتطالب أيضا بمحاكمة المسؤلين عن موت العامل ومحاكمة إدارة المصنع التي تسببت في أكثر من انفجار وإصابات ووفيات بين العمال بسبب الإهمال، ونحذر أن تكون المحاكمة صورية وحكمها جاهز سلفا، ونعلن بدأ حملة تشهير واسعة محليا ودوليا ضد المسؤلين عن تلك المذبحة.
المشاركون في الحملة

جبهة التهييس الشعبية
me myself and I
ماحدش فاهم
ثورة مصر
صرير قلم
مدونة شاب مصري
الحلم العربي
رسائل البحر
أنا وهؤلاء
ايجي فويس
مدونة دودا
امّا نعيمه
masry fi faransa
مركز الدراسات الاشتراكية
المنتدى النقابي الحر
إخوان أون لاين
هرش مخ
حكايات مصرية
كومة ورق

ونرجوا من الجميع نشر البيان في كل المدونات

Sunday 22 August 2010


This year it seems to be so different - certainly than the last year...

This year Heba is not around.. it doesn't feel like it did before.. like the family is incomplete and it doesn't feel right..

I also lost interest in so many things... Series... I don't care anymore. I'm downloading stuff but I don't even try to follow what's going on or what is the best one etc....

I also became single since the last Ramadan.. That - albeit took a long time to confirm it - feels so much better than I though it would.. I was in a relationship with a selfish baby.. It became so apparent - especially in Ramadan - the amount of time and effort I needed to please that baby.. and it never worked.. He was selfish and was never satisfied with anything I do for him and always wanted more.. It really is such a relief!!

I also started exploring people around me.. started to not care about who was happy and who wasn't.. Instead, all I care about is who deserves to be and deserves the time and effort and who does not.

It makes all things make sense.. amazing

And now to keep focusing on the future.. 2 more months.. I'm sure they'll be ok..

Can't wait..

Saturday 14 August 2010

Team work...

... why is it so hard in this place?

Most people seem to think team work means people get to do what you don't want to do!!! News flash: IT DOESN'T!

Team work means sharing, helping each other out, working together... not doing what you don't want to do...

Toz feehom :)

Sunday 8 August 2010

Lessons learned...

... from last week.

People can seem to be really bad at something, but in fact they would be really good. Don't let looks or even your own impressions deceive you.

I need to calm down. I HAVE TO stop drinking coke and pepsi. They make me so hyper and it's really reflecting negatively now... NO MORE!

Life really is too short. It's great to enjoy it but always remain focused on what it is you are aiming to achieve.. Both in this life and the next.

Intercepting a community is not hard.. Being amongst them is not difficult.. Attempting to fit in is easy... For the community to accept you as one of them is AMAZING!

I am really falling in love... all over again... with nature, the best thing there is... Subhan Allah.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Readers are plentiful....

...thinkers are rare. (Harriet Martineau)

Not everyone who owns an iPhone know how to use it...

What a freaking day! I am not a technical expert but why on earth would you argue about something you don't even know....

It's so frustrating...


احِبيَّني بلا عُقَدِ وضعي في خُطُوطِ يدي
احبيني لاسبوع, لايام, لساعات فلست انا الذي يهتم بالابدِ

تعالي واسقطي مطراً على عطشي وصحرائي
وذوبي في فمي كالشمع وانعجني باجزائي

أحبيني ..

أحبيني بطهري او بأخطائي
وغطيني أيا سقفا من الازهار..
ياغابات حناءِ
أنا رجلٌ بلا قدرٍ فكٌوني انتِ لي قَدَري

أحبيني ..

أحبيني ولاتتساءَلي كيفَ ..
ولا تتلعثمي خجلاً ..
ولاتتساقطي خوفا ..

كوني البحر والميناء
كوني والارض والمنفى

كوني الصحوة والاعصار
كوني اللين والعنفَ

أحبيني معذبتي وذوبي في الهواء مثلي كما شئتِ

أحبيني بعيداُ عن بلاد القهر والكبت
بعيدا عن مدينتنا التي شبعت من الموت

أحبيني ..

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Complete change of plans..

... now I'm not working on my own.. though I'm still eager to give it a shot.. my own version.

However.. this is not what I want to talk about... Today I met someone I would really love to work with.. I think..

Smart, willing to throw away the plan as you are about to start it and improvise.. He knows a lot about technology AND he's good looking! What more could I possibly want!

It was actually really nice working with him today - he was technically knowledgeable and this meant that I didn't need to spend days explaining to him what I'm talking about (let alone what we are supposed to be doing!). He was also a charmer and he managed to get people to do what he wanted - easily.. It made the task much easier.

As we started one of the interviews I surprised him by saying that HE would be conducting it - alone - and in classical Arabic.. If that was me I'd want a few mins to get my self ready. It took him seconds.

Sitting in the meeting was also great - some fresh ideas - new topics - fresh attitude - excitement about what we are doing.. it was all just great.

Plus he's not a drama queen - didn't get tired - hasn't complained for a second!

It makes me think "WHAT THE HECK WAS I ....." actually I'll censor that part :D

Today was very positive - I definitely can see how this programme will work. Didn't see it before.

On the funny side.... My boss said something about this same issue that cracked me up at first, until I saw it for myself.. This is censored too :D


Monday 2 August 2010

Let's get ready to rumble..

... I'm going to give it a shot... the whole programme, on my own well of course not just me all the time - I mean to work through it all)..

What's the worst that could happen!


What a day?!

my plan was very simple.. go to work, carry out a number of tasks, go home!

Then, it was all thrown in the air.

A meeting, followed by a programme.. As usual, I drank too much pepsi all weekend and get way too hyper.. It was fun!

I loved all the action.

Time to do a few things at home and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep... a long day tomorrow ;)

To do list...

... I really need to work on this blog... and also start sharing stuff between the blog and Facebook... I think.

The design looks so bad too... need to do some work on it.. eventually!

Can't think of any more as it's hot and stuffy so tomorrow I'll figure out what I should have added to the to do list I suppose :D

Sunday 1 August 2010

Missing my baby...

..and suddenly the world seems really boring now. It is not the same.. not any more.

Well.. there are two choices now.. go back in time and stop this from happening.. or.. look forward and pretend all this didn't even happen.

Option 2 it is.